The Artificial Inventor

The Artificial Inventor (Dúo)
Fabricante: Aranzadi
Tipo de producto: Libros
Biblioteca digital
17,99 €
Su precio: 17,09 €
(IVA Inc.)
+ Papel + Biblioteca digital
25,26 €
Su precio: 24,00 €
(IVA Inc.)
Fecha de entrega: 3 días
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Materia Mercantil, Propiedad Industrial
Marca Aranzadi


Tel: 96 351 26 47

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This book includes a proposal that consists of admitting the patentability of the inventions generated by Artificial Intelligent Agents (AIAs) qualifying them as inventors. This requires unfolding the patent system in attention to the human or artificial nature of the inventor, maintaining the current system for human inventions and designing an ad hoc one for the AIAs and their results.


The book contains a rigorous and well-documented approach to the new concept of “Artificial inventor”. From a Patent Law perspective, it raises all the legal problems that the classic treatment of inventions entails when they are produced by artificial entities, and it proposes an innovative framework for its adequate protection. The Artificial Inventor is, indeed, a groundbreaking work; a challenge for the Patent System courageously addressed, and it stands as an essential reference.


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