Lessons on World Economy

Lessons on World Economy (digital)
400 págs.
400 págs.
eReader Essential Profesional Coedición
Edición Digital
Edición Digital
24,99 €
23,74 €
Descuento: 5 %
(IVA Inc.)


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The book is oriented toward students in programs that include certain economic subjects, but it is also valuable for anyone who wants a sound understanding of the economic forces and tendencies that operate at the international level. The content of this book was originally published in Spanish and issued as the tenth edition of Lecciones sobre Economía Mundial, a text that is used as handbook in many Spanish universities. An increasing contingent of international students and the provision of classes in English have made advisable an English version of the book. The initiative was initially promoted by Juan de Lucio at Alcalá de Henares University, who coordinated the initial translation. The text was afterward reviewed by Joseph Candora in order to ensure correct and readable English. As director of the original book, I have supervised the technical contents.


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