Global supply chain. An integrative view (Dúo)

Global supply chain. An integrative view (Dúo)
340 págs.
340 págs.
DUO Estudios  Aranzadi
Papel y Edición Digital
Papel y Edición Digital
42,11 €
40,00 €
Descuento: 5 %
(IVA Inc.)


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Supply chain management is a critical area in all companies seeking to gain a competitive advantage. Companies not only compete on product design, quality or availability, but also on how they deploy supply chain management globally. To do this, it is important to know which typical supply chain processes are included in operations, to analyse the critical processes that support operations from raw material sources to end customers and how these processes are integrated from a global perspective. The book includes the development of several business cases inspired by real situations obtained from the authors’ professional experiences, providing a basis for analysis, discussion, validation and comparison of the theoretical basis of this area of knowledge.


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