Family Law in Latin America. Procedural and Substantive Issues. Derecho de Familia <(>&<)> Sucesiones en Latinoamérica. Jurisdicción y Derecho aplicable

Family Law in Latin America. Procedural and Substantive Issues. Derecho de Familia <(>&<)> Sucesiones en Latinoamérica. Jurisdicción y Derecho aplicable(digital)
800 págs.
800 págs.
EReader Premium Profesion Gran colección
Edición Digital
Edición Digital
63,16 €
60,00 €
Descuento: 5 %
(IVA Inc.)


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This book offers practitioners and students with a practical first-hand guide of a wide variety of family law issues and topics in Latin American jurisdictions. The book contains the study of domestic statutes and case-law in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela) regarding marriage, divorce, property issues, inheritance and probate.


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