Modernisation of Spanish Civil Law pursuant to the Proposal of the General Drafting Commission and law 8-2021 to support persons with disabilities 1ª Ed.

Modernisation of Spanish Civil Law pursuant to the Proposal of the General Drafting Commission and law 8-2021 to support persons with disabilities 1ª Ed.
José Manuel de Torres Perea
Fabricante: Aranzadi
Tipo de producto: Libros
Biblioteca digital

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The aim of this work is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to pay tribute to the work of the General Drafting Commission that was able to outline a valuable and avant-garde proposal for modernising the Spanish Civil Code. On the other hand, it seeks to provide a legal resource in English to enable scholars from other legal systems to study this legislative proposal and understand the development of civil law in Spain. To this end, the translated text of the proposal is included as part of this work. Moreover, this study is rounded out with the analysis of a piece of legislation that has undoubtedly provided Spanish civil law with the greatest boost it has experienced in recent times. This is Law 8/2021 of 2 June that reformed civil and procedural legislation to support people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity. This text is included to provide a more comprehensive overview of the evolution of Spanish civil law. Finally, these work is aimed to provide a useful legal resource to make Spanish law visible in the global academic community.


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