Fundamentals of Strategic Management

Comprehensive guide to Strategic Management, ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students, business professionals, and executives, aligned with European Higher Education standards.
Fabricante: Civitas
Tipo de producto: Libros
Biblioteca digital
21,72 €
Su precio: 20,63 €
(IVA Inc.)
+ Papel + Biblioteca digital
35,79 €
Su precio: 34,00 €
(IVA Inc.)
Fecha de entrega: 3 días
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Tipo de producto Libros
Materia Economía y Empresa, Dirección y Administración
Marca Civitas


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The main purpose of this book is to be used for the higher education of undergraduates in Business Administration and Management and other similar degree courses who have an interest in subjects related to Management and Strategy, and who are studying the syllabus in English. The text is especially recommended for short courses, and has been adapted to the teaching methods proposed by the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Process). It is also of use as an introduction to the subject for post-graduate students on courses at universities, business schools and similar institutions, in subjects related to Strategy, as well as a required reference tool for all those professionals and business executives who from a practical perspective assume a predominantly applied view of business and are responsible for managing and advising firms. Through this three-pronged approach, the book is an introductory handbook that covers the more salient issues and problems that make up the theoretical corpus of the management model referred to as Strategic Management.

Un recorrido por los libros y materiales docentes en Dirección Estratégica del canal de Youtube de Guerras y Navas "El triángulo de la excelencia".


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